what is your next step?

  • Congratulations on beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ! We would love to walk with you on this journey. 

    We have developed a series of 30 emails that you can sign up for called "Your First 30 Days." Our goal is to send you encouraging and relevant messages for 30 days to help you grow in your faith. Sign up for emails.

    Email Pastor Sherry if you are interested in a one-on-one Bible study, or if you simply have questions about living in a relationship with God.

  • Baptism is an important step for every believer. Baptism is an outward sign of what God has done in your heart. Baptism does not make you a believer – it shows that you already believe. Baptism does not “save” you; only your faith in Christ does that.

    Did you know that Jesus himself was baptized? (Matthew 3:13-17) Jesus also baptized others (John 3:22) and told us to baptize all nations (Matthew 28:19). Every person who has committed to a relationship with Christ should be baptiszed (Acts 2:28) as soon as you have begun your relationship with Christ (Acts 2:41).

    I'm ready!

  • Join one of our Membership Classes! They are a relaxed time when some of our staff pastors share the vision and mission of Crossbridge Community Church. At the end of the informational class, all attendees will have the opportunity to become members if they choose to. 

    Want to know more? Email us for more information on membership. You can also call us at 815.434.3794.